
进口物资采购清单 序号 符合标准 名 称 数量 单价 供应周期 1 MIL-L-46010D Lubricant, solid film , heat cured , corrosion inhibition 中的Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ型 1包装 2 MIL-PRF-46010F Lubricant, solid film , heat cured , corrosion inhibition的一种 1包装 3 MIL-A-8243 Anti-Icing Fluid 1包装 4 MIL-PRF-372 Cleaning Compound , solvent(for bore of small arms and automatic aircraft weapons) 1包装 5 MIL-H-46170 Hydraulic Fluid , rust inhibited , fire resistant , synthetic hydrocarbon base 1包装 6 MIL-DTL-83133 JP-8中的要求(Turbine fuel , aviation ,kerosene types) 1包装 7 MIL-PRF-23699 Lubricating oil , aircraft turbine engine , synthetic base 1包装 8 VV-D-1078 Damping fluid , silicone base (dimethyl polysiloxane) 1包装 9 MIL-L-14017 Lubricating oil , weapons , low temperature 1包装 10 MIL-L-46000 Lubricant , semi fluid (automatic weapons) 1包装 11 MIL-PRF-63460 Lubricant , cleaner and preservative for weapons and weapons systems 1包装 12 MIL-PRF-85336 Lubricant , all-weather (automatic weapons) 1包装 13 MIL-H-83282 Hydraulic Fluid , synthetic hydrocarbon base 1包装 14 MIL-L-2104grade 10 Lubricating oil , internal combustion engine , heavy duty 1包装 15 MIL-T-5624 JP-4“Turbine fuel” 1包装 16 SAE-AMS3217/1 NBR-L和NBR-H的试验橡胶片(耐油介质实验,丁晴胶-高晴、低睛两种) 17 SAE-AMS3217/4 试验橡胶片 18 标准硅橡胶实验片 备注:报价(含税),运至西安市阎良 报价时请注明最小包装的规格
